A Cat In Paris That Leads A Secret Double Life

A cat in Paris (Une vie de chat)

The film tells about the story of a cat named Dino who lives a double life in Paris. 

By day, it lives with little Zoe as a faithful companion, while at night it comes out of the window while the baby is sleeping to visit Nico, a good-hearted thief who lives by his wits and bouncing lightly on the gargoyles of Notre-Dame, penetrating in the apartments others in search of precious and easy loot. One night the baby will follow Dino in his night raids, becoming unwillingly witnessed a shady deal. Dino and Nico will have to save the girl from the clutches of the mafia Victor Costa who managed to capture her, to bring it back from her mother Jeanne, commissioner of the local police.

The film was produced by Folimage, French studio located in Bourg-lès-Valence, founded and directed by Jacques-Rémy Girerd, film director of animated film and producer of almost all Folimage's movies. The film is completely hand drawn and built with classic animation techniques. The mentioned styles ranging from impressionism, expressionism up to the American film noir.


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