Put a Couple Of Wildebeest On The Bank Of a River And The Video Goes Viral

This video was produced by Birdbox Studio, an innovative home entertainment that is fun and enjoys creating projects that are true works of art of our time.

Their courts are all characterized by perfect timing for great entertainment and really ingenious concept. In short, they are an excellent source of inspiration and in front of their video laughter we always run away. Their mission is "to create short and funny animated film in which a strong and intelligent execution concept are the key."

But as the animation of the two wildebeest on the river bank it has been obtained? 

First of all, the draft was animated with Flash: when the fun story and the idea convinces, the project continues. Once redesigned the shapes, the different parts of the wildebeests are built with After Effects. To give a 3D effect to the bodies were designed several layers which were then superimposed. The Flash animation was then imported into After Effects, noting the movements of the head and body by the SWF file. Additional animations have been copied frame by frame.

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